Landmark Longitudinal Study to Assess Occupational Risks Faced by Firefighters and EMS Clinicians

December 08, 2023
Landmark Longitudinal Study to Assess Occupational Risks Faced by Firefighters and EMS Clinicians

Columbus, Ohio - In response to the growing concern over the health and wellness of firefighters and emergency medical services (EMS) clinicians, a groundbreaking initiative is underway to comprehensively evaluate the occupational risks associated with their daily activities. This landmark project, known as the Longitudinal Inquiry into Fire and EMS Health Study (LIFE Study), today took a vital step forward by securing $249,000 in initial funding to support its critical mission.   

Over the past decade, there has been a growing awareness of the occupational hazards encountered by over 1 million career and volunteer firefighters and an additional 1 million EMS clinicians in the United States. The National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians is partnering with leading universities, including The Ohio State University, to examine these risks with the ultimate goal of protecting our first responders and the vital work they do each day.  

“These professionals face daily exposures, workplace violence, and on-the-job injuries, which can have far-reaching effects on their cardiovascular health, cancer risk, and mental well-being,” said Dr. Ashish Panchal, Research Director for the National Registry. “While some individual efforts have been made to assess these risks, there has been no large-scale, long-term study to comprehensively examine the combined challenges faced by firefighters and EMS clinicians.” 
The $249,000 in initial funding, provided by the Florida Department of Health, Division of Emergency Preparedness and Community Support, marks a crucial step in advancing the LIFE Study's mission. This funding will support the study's Phase 1 development, which includes the formation of an oversight committee, the assembly of a collaborative research team, the design of a comprehensive study plan, the selection of study sites, the development of data collection tools, and the preparation of applications for federal funding. 

Media Contact:
Shane Cartmill
Public Relations and Media Manager